Saturday, April 13, 2019

A Hazard of Cleaning

I spent today cleaning and organizing our garage, which I’ve been putting off for years (the last time was before we were married). I kept adding stuff wherever it fit without much effort (usually the floor), which resulted in a garage where minor gymnastics were sometimes required to navigate it. While I don’t have a before-cleaning photo (I don’t tend to think of such things until after it’s too late), I do have a post-cleaning photo. You can use your imagination for what it looked like before my efforts. Some of it did go in the dumpster, but most of it was just organization. The thousands of mouse dropping, along with the desiccated carcass of one the producers of said droppings, definitely went in the dumpster. That’s not the hazard.

Photo of garage

Now, cleaning a garage isn’t normally blog worthy. The impetus of the blog post is what happened about one hour after I finished cleaning. I went back into the garage to put something away, and out of the corner of my eye saw a huge empty space. My first thought was “who stole all my stuff?!” and a mild panic before coming to my senses and realizing that nobody had and that I was the source of the huge empty space. Which I had spent all day on and only finished one hour before. Sigh. I guess that’s the penalty for not cleaning for years.